Originally Published April 27, 2004
The campgrounds set was inspired by all the times that adventuring parties got attacked during night watch. If they are going to argue about watch schedule every night, the least I could do is make it worth while :). The design is the result of studying books about designing pop-up cards. Like the village set, the hardest piece was a detail piece, the campfire.
From the product description:
Take your game camping with Portable Adventure Kit – Campgrounds! This set of cardstock structures is designed to store flat to be carried with the rest of your gaming materials. When unfolded, the set reveals a wide variety of tents and a campfire. The set consists of three types of tents (wedge, wall, and pavilion) with different styles for each of them to maximize your campground options. Also included are a campfire, a lean-to and a terrain tile to help you create your own campground. Structures are designed to 30mm scale, making them compatible with most fantasy games and can be printed on Letter sized paper or A4 paper without scaling.